The main concept of this interior is how to get its own personality that reflects the contrasting area and customer profile at 2800 Main St. Santa Ana, CA. in Westfield Mall. The size and shape of racks and shelves were carefully designed to present the clothing in an artistic way. To utilize the full space on most walls without overcrowding stocks and be able to present other small items on thoughtfully designed small display tables as gaps were placed in between. The shoe department took a unique style to blend with the clothing departments yet kept its own outstanding distinguished style. We utilized the cashierÂ’s area placing 4 showcases at the front and back of the cashier to expose those small and expensive products and to be noticeable from a spot to oversee the entire show area, and we intended to take in consideration the value of what we call it final sale to give it the rich design which relaxes the customers when they spend their last extra money for shopping.
The wood flooring and the ceiling design work hand in hand given the full unique image for the storeÂ’s interior. The store is surrounded by glass walls from the traffic mall area so people can see the inter show room from the outside. A television monitor is strategically placed at one corner of the glass wall for advertising purposes and also to be more eyes catchy from other stores inside the Mall.